
Last completed movie pages

Idiocracy, Movie, 2006 IMDB

Pictures provided by: no_car, antp, mike962

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Comments about this movie

See all comments about this movie and its vehicles


antp BE

2007-01-02 23:31

That movie was really great & funny :)

nickman912 US

2007-04-09 07:11

Theres a fullsize Chevy Blazer and a Grumman Delivery truck that people were living in.

da3bal FI

2007-09-06 02:56


Volkswagen Transporter [Typ2 / T1] *

wickey SK

2007-09-27 17:59

antp wrote That movie was really great & funny :)

agree :) I saw it with my friends few weeks ago and we really enjoyed it :)

antp BE

2008-04-02 23:36

I replaced pictures by DVD captures.

Various CGI and/or background vehicles:

Refuse truck on top of the garbage pile seen in image posted by da3bal:
[Image: gt001106nm1.934.jpg]

The Blazer?
[Image: u001330dv3.2967.jpg]

Or this one?
[Image: idiocracy_002817_c38.jpg]

And the Grumman:
[Image: idiocracy_002824_c50.jpg]

A van:
[Image: idiocracy_003543_c26.jpg]

A Pontiac Aztek wreck in front of the whitehouse:
[Image: aztec003852xq0.9228.jpg]

[Image: bus002619jy4.6966.jpg] [Image: bus004411gn7.2838.jpg] [Image: bus004712qt0.7515.jpg] [Image: bus004716du7.3872.jpg]

A vehicle passing by:
[Image: u003348jq7.1876.jpg]

Vehicles from the rehabilitation programme:
[Image: idiocracy_005638_c52.jpg] [Image: u005755jf3.9725.jpg]
(as well as the following ones)

A forklift:
[Image: fl005747bz8.9819.jpg]

The "Assblaster":
[Image: assblaster005938fm7.6057.jpg]

The "Dildozer":
[Image: dildozer005932jx3.25.jpg]

The "Assdozer":
[Image: assdozer010159vv2.923.jpg]

-- Last edit: 2015-01-06 17:32:03

mike962 DE

2018-06-26 20:53

antp wrote

[Image: bus002619jy4.6966.jpg] [Image: bus004411gn7.2838.jpg] [Image: bus004712qt0.7515.jpg] [Image: bus004716du7.3872.jpg]

shouldn't the bus be listed if identifiable, it has 2 star role

-- Last edit: 2018-06-26 20:54:13

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