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Fantômas, FR Movie, 1932 IMDB

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antp BE

2008-12-01 19:16

Comment received by e-mail from Marc from
Quote Also long ago I saw an old Fantomas film (French fictional evil character) and it must have been the the 1932 version. In it there was a Bugatti Royale, the Coupé Napoleon, no less, seen at least once driving by on one of the Corniches, the roads half way up the cliffs in the south of France near Monaco.
This was a very old black and white movie where there is just the voices and no background noise: a lot of static instead but it was a very nice one. I really believe it was that one for a number of reasons: the castle mentioned, the fact that I don't recall any of the actors: mostly unknown ones etc.
That movie also shows scenes of racing at the Monthlery circuit near Paris.
Someone tips some oil on the track from a grandstand to murder one of the racing drivers.

-- Last edit: 2008-12-02 19:26:42

3loader RU

2013-02-18 00:10

Since this movie have few Bugattis i connected with and recieved answer from guy named Julien about unknown Bugatti from this and other titles:

/vehicle_573227-Bugatti.html : bugatti type 49.

/vehicle_573262.html : probablement 37A

/vehicle_266515-Bugatti.html : type 30

/vehicle_428473-Bugatti.html : type 51

/vehicle_428437-Bugatti.html : type 35

/vehicle_428402-Bugatti.html : type 50

/vehicle_491489-Bugatti.html : type 30

-- Last edit: 2013-02-18 00:15:48


2023-10-29 16:13

Aircraft on IMPDB.

There is too some steam locomotive for amateur ;)

Aravis FR

2024-10-31 23:48

Il y a 2 N° 28.
- L'une est une Type 51 (oues alliage monobloc, 2 bouchons de réservoir, on peut voir aussi un saute-vent abaissé ;
l'autre de lord Beltham est une 35 (37A ?) avec jante à anneau détachable, 1 bouchon de réservoir, absence de saute-vent, radiateur étroit.
La N° 26 est aussi une Type 51 (8 cylindres 2,3 litres 2ACT)

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